petek, april 15

Off to Morocco!

Polovica naše ekipe se je včeraj že odpravila na pot proti Maroku! Preko Italije, Francije, Španije ... Danes zvečer načeloma ulovijo trajekt čez Gibraltar, potem pa dalje do Essaouire (še nekaj priprav za camp) in Moulaya (windsurfanje za dušo :) ). Danes teden se jim pridruži ostali del ekipe in tečajniki! :) /
Half of our team already left for Morocco yesterday! From here to Italy, France, Spain ... Today evening they should catch the ferry on Gibraltar and then to Essaouira (fixing some details for our next camp) and Moulay (soul windsurfing :)). In one week the rest of the team will join them together with all participants of our windsurf camp!

Oprema na kupu ... / All the kit in the garage ...
Oprema v kombiju / The kit already in-on the van

Srečno na poti! / Good luck on the trip!

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