ponedeljek, april 18

dobrodošli v Maroku! / welcome to Morocco!

48 ur. Toliko je ekipa QSWS potrebovala od Ljubljane do Essaouire. Vmes nekaj manjših zapletov pri trajektu, dvourno čakanje na špansko-maroški meji, Pamirja in Niko so odložili na backpackerski trip, na koncu pa dan poplačan s SUP popoldnevom. Napoved za naslednje dni je zanimiva - jugo :) tako bo ostalo tudi do sobote, ko se jim bomo pridružili ostali del ekipe in tečajniki. /
48 hrs. This is how much our team needed from Ljubljana to Essaouira. Some small complications with the ferry, 2-hour waiting on Spanish-Moroccan boarder, they have dropped Pamir & Nika somewhere in between for a backpack trip and at the end a day with SUP afternoon. The forecast looks interesting - some south wind with stars :) it should stay this way also till saturday, when the rest of our team arrives together with our students.

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