četrtek, julij 15

je treba domov... :( / we have to go home ... :(

Tečajniki so šli ... :( tudi nam ne ostane drugega, kot da pospravimo zastave (transparent so nam tako ali tako ukradli :S), razrigamo jadra, napolnimo triple, pa na streho in domov ... Meli smo se luštno... Zdaj pa domov in priprave na neskončno poletje v Egiptu :P wheeeeooou! /
Our students left ... :( we also don't have a choice but to put down our flags (the banner was stolen anyway), derigg our sails, fill up the triple boardbags, our them on the ruff of the car and go home .. We had a great time, and no home and get ready for an endless summer in Egypt! :P wheeeou!

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