petek, julij 30


Kot smo obljubljali, nekaj fotk iz večernega surfanja. Nekaj jih bomo še dodalo. Danes smo imeli zadnji dan drugega tedenskega campa. Zvečer - paaaarty!! - Hawaii style :P /
As promised, some action photos from night session. More to be uploaded soon. Today we had the last day of our second week camp, in the evening - PAAARTY! Hawaii style :P



sreda, julij 28

good luck Andraž!

Danes so v El Turu razmere komaj za srfanje. Po tečajih se je veter še okrepil in fantje so bili popolnoma overpowered na malih jadrih (3.7). Trenutno je team na wave spotu, kamor so šli preveriti pogoje. Slike iz akcije bodo online kmalu. Ekipa QSWS je sedaj skoraj popolna, manjka le še Andraž, ki je trenutno na PWA tekmi na Fuerteventuri. Tekma se začne jutri, kako mu gre lahko spremljate tudi preko live tickerja, ki je na strani Ekipa QSWS drži pesti in navija!!! /
Today conditions in El tur are almost non-sailable. After we finished with lessons the wind picked up even more and guys were totally overpowered on their smallest sails (3.'). At the moment our team is on El Tur wave spot, checking the conditions. Action photos will be online soon. QSWS team in El Tur is now almost complete. The only one missing is Andraž, who is at the moment on PWA competition in Fuerteventura. The competition starts tomorrow, you can check how is Andraž doing on live ticker on QSWS team is keeping fingers crossed, goooooooooo Andraž!!!!

torek, julij 27

El Tur spet dogaja - El Tur back in the game

Drugi teden Quiksilver windsurf šole je v polnem pogonu. Tečaji potekajo, kamermani in inštruktorji na polno zaposleni. Po treh dneh brez vetra spet pogoji za jadra od 4.0 dalje, danes smo lahko navdušeno spremljali prva glisiranja, prve vodne štarte, prve vulcane ... Skratka dan zmag! Napoved je za naslednje dni noro dobra, v naslednjih postih bomo objavili še fotke iz nore večerne akcije, ko je imel danes El Tur zaliv ob sončnem zahodu zase skoraj samo naš team! /
Second week of Quiksilver windsurf school camp is fully running. Instructors and cameramen are fully busy. After 3 days of no wind, El tur is back in game with sails around 4.0. Today, we were happy to see first meters of planing, first waterstarts, first vulcans ... a day of many victories! The forecast for next days is supergood, stay tuned for photos of today's evening session. QSWS team had a session in sunset and a bay all for ourselves!

nedelja, julij 25

konec prvega tedna / end of first week

Prvi teden Quiksilver windsurf campa je za nami. Odličen teden, veliko uspehov, napredka, dobrega vetra ... Ljudje so se naučili glisirati, osvojili vodni štart, se naučili obratov, prvič srfali v valovih, odglisirali prvi jibe ... V petek se je ekipa v stilu Beastie Boysov in komada Sabotage poslovila od svojih tečajnikov, sledila je zabava, naslednji dan še zadnje skupinsko slikanje in slovo ... Več kot polovica tečajnikov sicer ostane še za drugi teden, ponoči pa so prišli že tudi novi. In tako se je začel še en nor in nepozaben teden Quiksilver windsurf šole : ) /
First week of Quiksilver windsurf school is over. We had a great week a lot of success in windsurfing, a lot of progress, good wind ... People learned how to plan, how to make a water start, how to turn, they sailed in waves for the firs time, we celebrated first planing jibes ... On Friday, the team said good bye to our students in Beastie Boys/Sabotage way :P After we had a nice party, next day the last group photo and good bye ... More than half of students stays here for one more week, and new people arrived this night. So we start another crazy week of Quiksilver windsurf school : )

četrtek, julij 22

Veter ne pojenja / the wind doesn’t stop

Napoved je za predvčerajšnjem obljubljala manj vetra, pihalo pa je še bolj kot dan prej. Čez dan se je veter le še krepil in fantje so bili čisto overpowered na svojih malih jadrih. Odličen dan za učenje vodnih štartov in glisiranje – tečajniki so ponovno pokazali vse, kar smo jih učili. Tekom dneva smo naredili še photoshooting tečajnikov, nekaj fotk spodaj. Zvečer vsi prijetno utrujeni pogledali še The windsurfing movie in spat … Včeraj je tudi pihalo, malo manj, ampak še vedno za mala jadra. Zvečer smo si pogledali The windsurfing Kamasutro in počitek. Danes spet piha. Zvečer zaključek campa in PAARRRRTYYYYY : ) Za vikend naj bi se veter malce umiril, začetek naslednjega tedna pa spet napoved za brutalne razmere ;) /

The forecast for the day before yesterday promised less wind but it was even windier than the day before. In the day the wind got stronger and guys were totally overpowered on their smallest sails. It was the perfect day for learning water starts and planing. During the day, we had a photo shooting for our students, some photos below. In the evening all were more or less tired, we watched The windsurfing movie and of to sleep. Yesterday the wind calmed down a bit, but still strong enough for small sails. In the evening we watched The windsurfing Kamasutra. Today it’s windy again. In the evening we have the closing ceremony of the camp and P A R T Y : ) The wind is supposed to calm down during the weekend, and in the beginning of the week another pack of brutal conditions for the next group ;)

torek, julij 20

Pihaaaaa!!! / Wiiiiiindyyyyyyyy!!!

El Tur je danes nudil epske pogoje. Sredi dneva se je veter okrepil in na vodi je ostalo le nekaj ljudi ter naša ekipa. Fantje večinoma na jadrih okoli 4.0,vsi owerpowered, kljub vsemu pa so uspeli pokazati nekaj dobre akcije. Za jutri je napoved malenkost bolj človeška, več akcije sledi v naslednjih dneh. /

El tur was epic today. In the day the wind picked up and we could se only a few people and our team on the water. Guys mostly on sails around 4.0 and totally overpowered. Even though they showed us some good action. For tomorrow the forecast is a bit more human, so more windsurf action follows in next days.

Torek, drugi dan / Tuesday, day 2

Izredno močan veter je danes poskrbel za prve uspešne vodne štarte, za prve metre glisiranja, predvsem pa za nore trenutke na vodi./

Extremely strong wind helped our students with their first waterstarts first meters of planning in footstraps, and the most important – for crazy moments on the water.

Ponedeljek / Monday

Kot je že v navadi, smo dan začeli s krajšo rekreacijo, zatem pa … TEČAJI!!! Teorija na kopnem, snemalci so pripravljeni, vaja na vodi in popoldan utrjevanja. Popoln dan … /

As always, we started the day with some exercising in the morning. Afterwards … WINDSURF SCHOOL!!! Theory on land, all cameramen ready, practice on the water and the whole afternoon of practice, practice, practice … Just a perfect day …

Prvi dan QSWS/ First day of QSWS

Prvi dan šole – tečajniki so se naučili, kako sestavijo opremo, v tem tudi tekmovali, oblikovali smo skupine, večer pa izkoristili za ogled windsurf filmov – od Four Dimensions … Napoved za naslednje dni zgleda zelo obetavna!!! : )/

First day of our camp – students learned how to rig the sails and tune their windsurf gear, we organized a small competition – “which group will rig the sail faster”, we formed the groups and watched some windsurfing movies in the evening. From Four dimensions to … the forecast for next days looks promising!!! : )


začetek prvega campa QSWS / start of the first week camp of QSWS

Sobota je bila dan za počitek in pričakovanje. Sredi noči je prispela prva skupina tečajnikov in ostali del ekipe - banda je skoraj popolna ;) /
Saturday was a day for relaxing. In the middle of the night first group of students arrived together with some part of our team - the gang is almost complete! ;)