sobota, julij 16 gre v El TUR!! / is off to Egypt!!

Po uspešno zaključenem še drugem tednu naših windsurf tečajev v Vasilikiju (se posuvamo s pepelom, fotke bodo online kmaluuuuu, obljubimo!!) in treh dneh oddiha doma, je ekipa Quiksilver windsurf šole ponovno na poti :)
ura leta: 18.45
destinacija: Sharm el Sheikh
končna destinacija: El Tur
Za vse, ki ste nam fovš - kakšno prosto mesto se še najde na odhodu 30.7., kakšno več na odhodu 6.8. - info in prijave na ;) Se oglasimo iz El Turaaaaaa! super poletje vsem ;) /
After successful second week of our windsurf courses in Vass (so soooorrrry, we promise we will upload the photos ASAP!) and 3 days of rest at home, Quiksilver windsurf school team is again on the way :)
flight time: 18.45
destination: Sharm el Sheikh
final destination: El Tur
For everyone that envies - there are still some free places in case you might want to join us ;) for more info contact us on We'll stay in touch from El Tur! we wish you all a GREAT summer ;)

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