petek, november 5

Skoraj že konec prvega tedna / first week is almost gone ...

Srfali smo, žurali smo, šli smo snorkljat v Ras Mohamed, imeli izlet v Sharm, se fotkali, šli na goro, danes pa bomo imeli še zaključek in good bye party, čeprav vsi upamo na še kaj vetra jutri. Jutri zvečer pomahamo prvi skupini in pričakamo novo, ki bo naslednji teden uživala z nami ... /

We were windsurfing, partying, we went snorkeling to Ras Mohamed, we made a trip to Sharm, we had a photoshooting, went to the mountain and today we will close the week and organize a good bye party, even though we all hope for some more wind tomorrow. Tomorrow, we wave good bye to the first week and welcome the new group that will enjoy with us in the next week ...

Največja začetniška skupina do sedaj – 15 supergood tečajnikov! /

Our biggest beginner group till now – 15 supergood pupils!

A part of the team playing with their beautiful new Fanatics :P

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