Tokrat smo v Quiksilver windsurf šoli namenili posebno pozornost tudi otrokom - Za Klaro, Vito, Nežo, Žana, Janeza in Jureta smo prilagodili program ene skupine, kjer so skozi igro skupaj s Pamirjem (inštruktorjem) in Matejem (snemalcem) osvojili prvo znanje windsurfanja. Veliko zabave, smeha, predvsem pa lahko rečemo, da so bili vsi velike zvezde - OBVLADAJO! :))))) /
This time we had a special group in Quiksilver windsurf school - KIDS. Klara, Vito, Neža, Žan, Janez and Jure together with Pamir (instructor) and Matej (cameraman) they learned windsurfing basics through the game. A lot of fun, laughter and joy, kids were really stars!! THEY ROCK! :))